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Using Borromeo Hall

Borromeo Hall Guidelines

Users may not use any kind of regular tape, thumb tacks or nails on the walls.

Upon completion of your event, you must print the form and return it to the Parish Secretary.

You must:

  • Remove all food, drinks and paper goods brought for your event from the refrigerator, freezer, counters and back room.
  • Take all garbage and recycling to the garbage enclosure outside of the hall.  Note:  The green dumpster is ONLY for paper and cardboard recycling. 
  • Wash, dry, and put away all of the kitchen pots, bowls, coffee pots and any other items used.
  • Return all chairs and tables to their correct storage areas.
  • Remove all decorations.
  • Sweep and mop the entire floor in the hall and kitchen.  Note:  Brooms and dustpans are located in the closet in the small hall.
  • Turn off all lights and appliances.

For more information on using Borromeo Hall, including making facilities reservations, contact the parish office at (650) 591-7349 extension 404 or