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Parish Festival



Our primary method of volunteering as a booth volunteer is this website, which allows you to pick the most convenient time and booth, while reducing errors and effort of our manual scheduling processes. Click this link to get started. You'll need the password found in the printed Sunday Bulletin to begin the process. If you don't have the printed Sunday Bulletin handy, email Donna Matsu at to get started.




 Dear St. Charles Parish Community Friends and Neighbors,

We would like to advise you that St. Charles Parish will be holding our annual Fall Festival the first weekend in October 2016 on the Church Grounds. The annual Fall Festival is a community event approved by the City of San Carlos and run by School and Parish members. We typically have many games of skill with prizes, plenty of activities for children, fantastic food and beverages, great entertainment, fun for all ages. This is our only Parish/Community fund raiser of the year.

The hours of the event will be:

  • Friday, September 30, 2016 from 3 till 9:00pm
  • Saturday, October 1, 2016 from 1 till 9pm
  • Sunday, October 2, 2016 from noon till 6pm

The popularity of our annual Fall Festival may lead to additional traffic or parking on your street. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We will have professional security in place roaming the streets and grounds during the day and evening.

Thank you in advance for your understanding, and please come join in the fun.

The St. Charles Festival Committee


There will be additional parking available near St Charles during the festival.  Check back here for a map of available parking.  Thanks in advance for using those parking areas and not blocking our neighbors' driveways.

For more information about the Parish Festival, contact Donna Matsu by email at