RCIA - Becoming Fully Initiated in the Catholic Faith
Becoming A Fully Initiated Catholic-RCIA
Participants are parishioners from St. Matthias and St. Charles parishes along with their sponsors and team members.
RCIA sessions will be held on Sunday mornings from 11 a.m. to noon in Room 5 of the St. Matthias Preschool. The first RCIA gathering will be held on Sunday, September 22nd.
Deacon Rich and Deacon David of St. Matthias will lead and facilitate RCIA sessions. If you have any questions, know of someone who would like to discuss joining RCIA, are considering being a team member, or would just like to experience the RCIA process please contact Deacon Rich at rich@stmatthiasparish.org or 650-366-9544.
Please pray that the Holy Spirit calls individuals to seek a deeper relationship with Almighty God through His Church.