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What Old Testament Women Teach Us About Mary

Women played a significant role in revealing God’s plan for His people beginning with Eve. Throughout the ages, women raised their children, prayed, gave thanks to God, and risked their lives for the God of their ancestors. Many women in the Old Testament demonstrated courage, perseverance, leadership, conversion, and suffering. The Catholic Church teaches that “the mission of many holy women prepared for that of Mary.” (CCC 489)

Did Mary know the stories of the Old Testament women? How might their stories have influenced Mary during her lifetime? Did she have them in her heart, pondering their examples as she responded to Angel Gabriel?

This seven-week series begins on Monday, September 16th and is offered at 10:00 AM and 7:00 PM. in St. Matthias' parish hall. We will seek to answer these questions as we study the Scriptural accounts of several women including Eve, Sarah, and Miriam from the Old Testament who significantly contributed to the history of the Jewish people and our redemption.

If you have any questions, contact Deacon Rich at