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Candidate/Sponsor Activities

Declaring a Sponsor   

Submit Declaration of Sponsor form by the appointed due date.

Activity #1: Share Your Stories

Download the Candidate-Sponsor Activity 1In this activity Candidate and Sponsor discuss their faith stories with one another. Write a brief summary of what you discussed under each question; submit the form to the Coordinators by the deadline.

Activity #2: Faith Challenges 

Choice A - Choose one of the following books to read over the course of preparation before receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. Meet to discuss the book together, once you have completed it.

  1. Learning to Pray by Fr. James Martin, SJ
  2. Help, Thanks, Wow by Anne Lamott
  3. Tattoos on the Heart by Fr. Greg Boyle, SJ

Choice B -  Watch and discuss the weekly reflections on the Sunday readings (They can be found by following the link, here)

Activity #3: Research the Saints/Choose a Confirmation Name

  1. Submit the Confirmation Name form by the deadline specified.
  2. Follow this link to take a very brief quiz, to learn what you share in common with the saints. 
  3. Read the above form and review the two options (to stay with your baptismal name or to choose a saint's name). Discuss the options with your sponsor and make a choice.
  4. Research the saints, using this resource. If you choose to stay with your baptismal name and your name is also the name of a saint, then that will be the one you will research, but if you go with the option to choose a saint name then you'll need to do more research.
  5. Complete the Confirmation Name form and submit it to the coordinators on the date specified.