Year Two
Confirmation Year Two Program
Rite of Confirmation: February 1, 2025
Confirmation Year Two Calendar 2024-2025
Confirmation Year Two follows after the candidate has completed all the requirements for Confirmation in Year One and has participated in the moving-up meeting with the Confirmation Coordinator.
Continued Participation in Mass/Ministry (no reporting of community service hours for Year Two)
Work with Confirmation Sponsor
Share faith stories and challenge one another to grow in faith.
Research together the lives of the saints.
Choose a Confirmation Name (name given at Baptism or other saint's name).
Participate in rehearsal and Rite of Confirmation Mass.
Participate in Confirmation Classes.
Participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation (at St. Charles or at Catholic School or in private).
Participate in the Confirmation Retreat.
Click here for the US Bishop's website. Then click on this Sunday's date in the little calendar on the right side to see the Scripture readings for this Sunday's Mass.
Click here for a brief reflection (audio) on the upcoming Scripture readings for Sunday's Mass by Mark Hart, a.k.a. "The Bible Geek."
Rite of Confirmation: February 1, 2025
Rehearsal (required for all candidates and sponsors): TBD.