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Candidate/Sponsor Activities

Declaring a Sponsor

  • Submit form with registration.  

Activity #1: Share Your Stories

Download the Sponsor Activity 1. In this activity Candidate and Sponsor discuss their faith stories with one another. Write a brief summary of what you discussed under each question, submit the form to the Coordinator by the deadline.


Activity #2: Faith Challenges

Part One: Both Candidate and Sponsor are asked to read this Youth Update article (from St. Anthony Messenger Press) entitled, "How is your faith expressed?" This article discusses how young people put their Catholic faith into action when they...
...pray and worship
...proclaim God's Word up the community for justice.


Part Two: Discuss YOUR faith (each of you) in relation to these four areas (above). How do you express your faith in each area? In which area do your express your faith the most/the least?


Part Three: Each of you are asked to choose an area to work on. Think of a specific challenge to help you work on better expressing your faith in that area. Please don't choose a goal that is broad or vague such as "I will pray more often" instead choose something very specific and measurable such as "Each night before bed I will think of what I did that day and my good/not so good choices of the day and pray the Act of Contrition." Submit your challenge plans using this Confirmation Faith Challenge before the deadline. (Explain challenge plan of both Candidate and Sponsor.)


Part Four: After you have each completed your challenge, write a report on what you each did. There is no particular form for the faith challenge report, just write it up using your computer or write it by hand (if you can write it neatly) on binder paper. Make sure to include your name and your sponsor's name. Turn it in to the Confirmation Coordinator by the deadline.

Activity #3: Research the Saints/Choose a Confirmation Name

Submit the form and the saint report on the deadline specified on the calendar (see instructions below). 


Go to to find information on the saints, or when you get together with your sponsor, bring books on the saints and go through those.


Part One: Read the above form and review the two options (to stay with your baptismal name or to choose a saint's name). Discuss the options with your sponsor and make a choice.


Part Two: Research the saints. If you choose to stay with your baptismal name and your name is also the name of a saint, then that will be the one you will research and write about. If you go with the option to choose a saint name then you'll need to do more research.


You may have a saint in mind, or maybe your sponsor has a suggestion. You may also wish to find a saint that is connected to one of your interests or a saint whose feast day is on your birthday. Read about the saint and discuss this with your Sponsor. The most important factors in your choice should be that you have a personal connection with the saint and that there is something about the saint that you admire or want to emulate in your own life.


Part Three: Complete the Confirmation Name/Saint Report form (link above). The saint report can be written on the back of the form or on a separate sheet of paper. When writing about the saint you've chosen, be sure to include:
-the saint's name
-the dates the saint lived
-the saint's feast day
-explain why you chose this particular saint
-write at least three paragraphs about the saint's life