Confirmation at St. Charles
Confirmation at St. Charles
- Encourage teens to strengthen their relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Encourage all teens to be actively involved in parish life at St. Charles.
- Provide a meaningful Confirmation experience.
- Emphasize Confirmation as a strengthening for ongoing discipleship/ministry.
- Offer a flexible schedule for today's increasingly busy teens.
Requirements for the Confirmation Program:
Reception of Baptism in the Catholic faith (or Profession of Faith), First Reconciliation, and First Communion
Enrollment in 9th grade (or higher) to begin the Year 1 program and at least 10th grade (or higher) for the Year 2 program
This is a year of discernment for students, as they learn more about the Sacrament of Confirmation and God’s invitation to this sacramental grace. The year consists of:
- Orientation (Parents and candidates together)
- Mass (Regular attendance)
- Two Retreats (one in the fall and one in the spring)
- Ministry (20 hours of service/ministry - at least 10 hours connected with St. Charles)
This year is more intensive as candidates near the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation.
- Orientation (Parents and candidates together)
- Participate in Confirmation Classes (two includes parents/guardians and one includes sponsors)
- Meet regularly with your sponsor
- Participate in the one-day retreat (in January)
- Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation before Confirmation
- Receive Confirmation in late January/early February.