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Community Service

Community Service


Click here to report your community service hours. 


Click here to sign-up for upcoming community service opportunities at St. Charles. 


At the end of every Mass we are sent out to the world (to our homes, to our schools, sports teams, clubs, friends, our community) to serve. We are to bring the love, joy, and healing that we have received to others. 


St. James said: 

"…it isn’t enough to just have faith. Faith that doesn't show itself by good deeds is no faith at all; it is dead and useless." -James 2:17  


We ask all Confirmation candidates to complete at least 20 hours of community service within the level one program. At least ten of these hours should be connected to St. Charles (more than 10 is okay, too). The idea behind this is to get involved in serving with your faith community as well as the community at large. 


Community service hours are due by April 1. If you are planning to go on the Mexico Mission trip or help with Scripture Camp, help with the grad dinner, or another project that happens after April 1, please contact Tami to explain your plans by April 1st. 


You may wish to do several one-time community service projects (like helping with the blood drive or the Easter egg hunt) or to be involved in an on-going ministry (such as the choir or Edge leadership).


If you are on our mailing list, you will be notified of upcoming community service opportuntites at St. Charles. Contact Tami for more information about the following:


On-Going Ministry Options for Teens at St. Charles

    • Charlie's Angels Service Projects (like visits to the elderly at holidays or sending cards to people in the military)
    • Assist with Children's Catechetical Ministry(for grades K-4) 
    • Help with Children's Liturgy of the Word (go behind the altar when the children go up at the 8:30am Mass to hear the Scripture readings at their own level)  
    • Church Clean-Up Committee (help tidy the pews and vacuum the floor)   
    • Edge Leadership Team (middle school, grades 5-8)   
    • Help with Little Angels (preschool that meets in the small hall during the 8:30am Mass) 
    • Choir member for the 5pm Sunday Masses
    • Help with Hospitality Sunday (donuts)

One-Time Community Service Options for Teens at St. Charles

    • St. Charles Fall Festival Booths
    • Haunted House (youth group fundraiser)
    • St. Charles Blood Drive (sponsored by Charlie's Angels)
    • Help stuff Easter eggs for the Easter egg hunt (we fill 2,000 plastic eggs each year)
    • Easter Egg Hunt (after the 8:30 am Mass on Easter Morning)
    • Shadow Stations of the Cross (Good Friday)
    • Workshops for First Communion/First Reconciliation (Help with refreshments/crafts/Church tours)
    • Serve at Parish Dinners (ICF, High School Grad Dinner, Fall Festival, Mission Trip Fundraiser)
    • Church Clean-Up
    • Church Environment (help sort palms for Passion/Palm Sunday, put candles together for the Easter vigil, etc)
    • Childcare during parish activities
    • Summer Scripture Camp
    • St. Charles Mission Trip
    • Home and Hope (we work with other area churches to help families experiencing homelessness)
    • Office work at the St. Charles Parish office
    • Write an article for the parish newsletter (The Voice) or submit a cartoon or drawing
    • St. Vincent de Paul Thanksgiving Food Drive
    • St. Vincent de Paul Advent/Lenten Service Projects  

Local Agencies (that welcome youth volunteers)  

Second Harvest Food Bank in San Carlos (ages 14 and up) Come help sort food donations on selected Wednesdays from 6:30 - 8:30 pm.


Coyote Point Museum, San Mateo, Keepers in Training is an exciting new volunteer program at Coyote Point Museum. Teens (13-17) who are interested in animals and the environment may volunteer to help educate visitors about our wildlife collection and assist the Animal Keepers. Previous animal care experience helpful but not required.


Horseback riding for Kids/Adults with Special Needs
The BOK Ranch is a nonprofit organization that provides therapeutic horseback riding lessons to children and adults who have special needs. They need volunteers to help take care of the horses as well as to help during the lessons. Although the volunteers must be at least 14 to go into the ring during lessons, 12 and 13 year olds can become involved and work with the horses as junior volunteers. The facility is located in Woodside off of 280, and volunteer opportunities are available after school and on weekends.


Building Futures Now, East Palo Alto, CA. Current need: After-school tutors for 4th and 5th graders to help with homework, help with basic math skills, and reading together. You'll work with the same student each time and develop a strong relationship! Looking for high school students, college students, and college grads to help. 1.5 hours/day at least 1 day/week for 3 months on Mon, Tue, Thurs from 3:30-5:30. Training provided.


Edgewood Center for Children and Families  provides services for Bay Area children and families.


MedShare: Delivering Health and Hope to the World, San Leandro, CA
Come help sort and box surplus medical supplies that would have otherwise been thrown out, but with the help of volunteers are sent to where they can be used to help people around the world. Vounteers even as young as 8 years old are welcome if accompanied by a parent. Click here for more info.


Homeless Cat Network, San Carlos, CA
Volunteers of all ages are invited (even young children when supervised by their parents) to help feed the homeless cats in the area. There is also a need for foster care homes for cats. Or help trap cats for spay/neuter and vaccination.

Reading Partners, welcomes youth age 13 and up  to tutor struggling young readers. Volunteer for one hour per week (day/time of your choice, 9-5 Mon-Thur) at any of their four locations: Atherton, Menlo Park, East Palo Alto & San Mateo. Click here for more info.

Mid-Peninsula Boys and Girls Club, San Mateo, CA
The Evening Enrichment Program (EEP) is an individualized, one-on-one tutoring program with a goal of improving the academic performance of each participant's subject/s of difficulty--including, but not limited to reading, writing and arithmetic. Evening assistance is needed one (1)night per week, for at least twelve(12)-weeks during the academic school year (September - May) for K-8 youth. EEP inquiries should be made September - February. Training is not required. Click here for more info.


City Trees, Redwood City, CA
Help the environment in a morning! Volunteers of all ages are invited (even young children with a parent) to help plant trees in Redwood City. Starts at 9 am and finishes around noon. Click here for more info.

Ecumenical Hunger Program, East Palo Alto, CA
Help with their Family Harvest Food Distribution on the third Tuesdays of every month, 1-5 pm. Help organize and distribute food to families in need. They also welcome teens to help with their beautiful, one acre vegetable garden, weekdays till 4:30. They like volunteers to come for a couple hours, so this is a good one if you have a day off from school or early dismissal.


Belmont Library (Belmont): Help sort donated books with the "Friends of the Belmont Library," weekdays or weekends.


Shelter Network: Burlingame, CA
Looking for groups to host a Dinner/B.B.Q/Birthday Party for homeless families they serve. Families can do this and even their children 5 years old and up can get help. 


Redwood City Library (Redwood City, CA) welcomes creative, artistic youth in grades 6 - 12 to be on their teen council which meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday at the downtown branch, 2nd floor at 5 pm. You'd plan and run programs for other teens and make flyers and posters.


Half Moon Bay State Beach needs volunteers to restore native habitats at Francis, Venice, Roosevelt and Dunes Beaches. The removal of non-native plants (weeds!!), and the monitoring of newly planted areas will help increase the native wildlife in the park. Shifts can be from 2 to 3 hours. Volunteers under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult.