Participation Forms and Packing List
Mexico Mission Trip Required Paperwork, ALL forms must be completed by April 25, 2025.
Last day for refund, May 16, 5:00 PM.
Attention all Registered Participants:
- Teen fee $650, and ALL teens are expected to raise an additional $1,450 in donations.
For assistance with gathering donations, follow these instructions: [Link to information coming soon.]
- Permission form, policy agreement, and release forms are required for all participants in the Mexico Mission Trip traveling group.
When considering your participation, these designations apply:
Youth (all travelers who are 17 and younger by June 17, 2024) Complete Teen Forms: TeenFormsMexico2025.pdf
Adults (all travelers who are 18 and older by June 17, 2024) Complete Adult Forms: AdultForms2025.pdf
For ALL Participants: MexicoMissionTripPackinglist-2025.pdf