Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers
Who is a special minister of the Eucharist or Lector?
A Catholic lay person who has received the sacraments of initiation--Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, and if married a valid sacramental marriage. A person who is willing to make a commitment to serve in one of the most important offices in the church. By prayerful responding to God’s love and call, Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors are to be visible signs of faith, hope and love to all parishioners.
Special Minister of the Eucharist
Does your love for the Eucharist include desire to distribute Communion at Mass or take Eucharist to hospitals, nursing homes or the homebound? Would you like to become more active in your parish liturgy by distributing Communion as a extraordinary minister of the Eucharist? Do you wonder what is required to become a special minister of the Eucharist? A special minister of the Eucharist primarily and sincerely believes in Christ’s Eucharistic presence and deeply appreciates the divine gift shared in ministry. The Eucharist is at once a sacrifice, thanksgiving, praise, nourishment, healing, giving and receiving. It encapsulates our faith in Jesus’ saving acts through his life, death and resurrection. A special minister of the Eucharist, in giving Christ to the communicant, witnesses to Christ’s love.
“Eucharist as a testament of Christ’s immense love, wonderful gift, greatest gift of all, therefore the greatest reverence toward this sacrament must be constantly maintained.”
Pope Paul VI
From ancient times, the Church’s teaching has clearly stated the Eucharist is the center of Christian existence. The Eucharist, which is the “sign of unity and bond of charity” is likewise “the school of active love for neighbor” for the Lord Jesus Christ “offers himself equally to each one, under the species of bread and wine.” The Eucharist has always been the source of Christian love and center of ecclesial life, daily building up life of all Christians, “making them a holy temple of the Lord, a dwelling place for God in the Spirit, to the mature measure of the fullness of Christ.”
Reading at Mass
Do you ever wish you could lector at Mass? Do you wonder what it takes to be a lector? Do you yearn to participate more actively in the liturgy? As you listen to the readings do you feel the call to liturgical ministry to proclaim the Word of God? To proclaim Scripture in the worshiping community as a lector is a sacred trust. As the voice of the Lord, the lector needs to be an ardent lover of Sacred Scripture. This requires a deeper understanding of the Word of God in the Bible. Taking a Bible Study is one good way to understand better what you proclaim.
Prayer of Discernment For Becoming a Lector
Lord, as I meditate on your Word, help me to discover whether I can be a worthy servant of Your Word as a lector. May I be like Jeremiah the prophet who could not hold in your Word. Grant me the grace to give myself completely to your service. Allow your Word to become flesh through me. I realize, Lord, the power of your Word to make your presence a reality in our community of faith. Lord, be in my heart and on my lips that I may worthily proclaim your sacred Word. Give me, Lord, the grace to accept your call willingly and even joyfully. No matter what ministry I choose, may I reach out and touch those who need to hear your words at the proper time. Be with me, Lord! Show me how you want me to serve you. Here I am. Amen.
Prayer of Discernment for Becoming an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist
Lord Jesus Christ, I ask your help in discerning whether you are calling me to be a Eucharistic Minister. I trust that you always give me the grace necessary for my life. Please grant me the courage to respond to you with a willing and generous heart. No matter how you are calling me to serve, may my hands bring your compassion and mercy to others. And may I be Eucharist to all I meet. Lord, guide me, and fill me with wisdom I need to understand and accept your call to me. If you are calling me to Eucharistic Ministry, may I not be intimidated by the sacredness of your presence. Instead, fill me with a devout and reverent spirit. As I offer the Eucharist to others, let me be your presence to them. Give me the grace to be a worthy minister. Amen.
For more information, contact parish office at (650) 591-7349 or by email at parishoffice@stcharlesparish.org