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Small Group Faith Sharing

Small Group Faith Sharing

The St. Charles Parish Community strives to offer ways for all parishioners to share, explore, and deepen their faith.

Reflections – First and Third Thursdays, 7:00-8:00 PM, Parish Center Chapel

We welcome everyone to attend our gatherings and join us in conversation, no matter where you are in your life and faith. We reflect on God’s messages to us, connect our faith to our daily lives, and are inspired to share God’s love with others. We are not “studying the Bible,” but are discussing the Sunday readings using open-ended practical reflection questions. No advance preparation required. 

Scroll further for more activities. Questions? Contact Alison at

NEW!   Friends, Faith, Community!
If you’ve been

  • thinking about how to deepen your faith
  • seeking a group to talk with about things that are going on in your life or the world (with your faith as a guide)
  • feeling a desire to understand more about the weekly readings and Gospels

then “small group faith sharing” might be a great path toward meeting your needs.  Unlike traditional “bible study” groups, this kind of sharing doesn’t require any weekly study or writing. It’s a casual gathering of people who share Christian faith and want to connect with others on a more personal level. It’s a chance to build a community through discussion about the weekly Mass readings. Let’s take the commas out and connect those words.

Friends + Faith = Community
If you are interested, please email Alison at for more information.