• The Five Phases of RCIA

    The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is experienced through a process of five phases. There is no set length of time for the RCIA process. It depends on each individual’s journey in faith. You may begin at anytime by contacting Linda Burns at parishoffice@stcharlesparish.org.

    Phase One - Inquiry

    What is the Catholic faith all about and am I called to embrace it?  Inquiry sessions are held year-round. We welcome your call and look forward to meeting you.

    Phase Two - Catechumenate

    Studying and living the Catholic faith

    Phase Three - Period of Enlightenment

    An in-depth time of conversion and preparation during Lent, the six weeks prior to Easter.

    Phase Four - Sacraments of Initiation

    Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist are celebrated at the Easter Vigil

    Phase Five - Mystagogy

    The ongoing living out of our Catholic faith through parish involvement. Everyone has a role -- The Role of the Assembly!

    "The faithful should remember that the supreme purpose of the apostolate is that the Church’s message is made known to the world by word and deed and that his grace is communicated."