Faith Formation
The content of faith is the heritage of the whole church. It is from birth to death. There is no graduation from faith formation. It is for all age levels. The parish is here to assist you in this endeavor.
Children/Youth Faith Formation
We must remember that parents are the primary educators of their children in religious formation. In his Letter to Families, Pope John Paul II wrote:
Parents are the first and the most important educators of their own children, and they also possess a fundamental competence in this area; they are educators because they are parents.
The word of God found in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition is the single source for handing on the Christian message. The presentation of the Christian message centers on the person of Jesus Christ. Every aspect of catechesis promotes following Jesus Christ. The Gospels are central to the catechetical message. They are the word of God, written by human authors inspired by the Holy Spirit.