• A New Church

    When San Carlos was incorporated as a city in 1925, there was a small but growing number of Catholic families in the new city.  Three years later, Archbishop Edward Hanna of San Francisco decided the time had come to establish a new parish in the young but growing city.  A one acre parcel of land on Walnut Street near Cherry was purchased, and the building of a new church was begun.




  • Significant Dates for St. Charles Parish

     June 23, 1929: The first pastor, Father Harold Crampton, celebrated the first mass in the church built on Walnut Street (now Casa de Flores)

    1948: Land purchased on Tamarack Avenue

    1950: St Charles School opened on Tamarack Avenue

    1951: St Charles Church moved to the "new" Church  on Tamarack Avenue (currently the School gymnasium)

    1952: St Charles Rectory was built

    1959: The Convent was built (currently the Parish Center)

    1966: The current St Charles Church building was dedicated

    1994: Borromeo Hall was completed

    2011: The current St Charles Church building was re-dedicated after the roof repair and interior renovation