• Make a Donation

    Donations are always appreciated. Giving to the St. Vincent dePaul Society is great way to participate! Please clearly note that donations for St. Vincent de Paul.

    Cash donations by mail
    St. Vincent de Paul Society
    c/o St. Charles Church
    880 Tamarack Avenue
    San Carlos, Ca. 94070 

    Cash donations at the church

    “Poor Boxes” located at each entrance into the church
    St. Charles Church
    880 Tamarack Avenue
    San Carlos, Ca. 94070 

    Online donations, click Online Giving

    Food donations/drop off
    St. Vincent de Paul Society
    c/o St. Charles Church
    880 Tamarack Avenue
    San Carlos, Ca. 94070 

    Vehicle Donations
    Donate your auto, truck, boat, or RV. Proceeds stay in San Mateo County to help us feed the hungry and provide emergency assistance. Call 800-322-8284 or visit svdpusa.careasy.org/home