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Welcome to St. Charles

People of Faith, Community, & Service - Centered in Jesus, we worship through Roman Catholic traditions and serve others through outreach & social justice.

This Week's Headlines

Parish News & Programs

St. Charles Women's Club

St. Charles Women's Club

November 13, 7:00 PM - BUNCO!  Donation of $20 at the door will go toward prizes and to Fr. Samuel’s Children's School

Special Collection THIS Sunday

THIS weekend's special collection will support World Mission Sunday. Thank you for your continued support!

So many are grateful for your support!

Pray for Vocations

Is the Holy Spirit calling you to be a priest, deacon, or in consecrated life? Talk to your parish priest. Or contact the Archdiocese.

November Senior Lunch

Wednesday, November 13- Doors open at 11:45 AM. RSVP to Kathy Fagliano by Noon on Monday November 11.

First Friday Adoration

Eucharistic Adoration: Parish Center Chapel , Friday, November 1, 9:00-10:00 AM

Pause & Reflect

1st & 3rd Thursdays each month 7:00-8:00 PM. No advance preparation. All are welcome!

Altar Servers at St. Charles

We welcome altar servers in our Masses!  Interested? Students in 4th grade and older, the next training is October 22, 5:45 PM, St. Charles Church.

Sacred Spaces at St. Charles Parish

Several locations are available for formalized prayer and contemplative silence: Blessed Mary's Grotto, Blessed Sacrament Chapel, and the Church.

Previously Recorded Masses

Weekend Masses Archive

This Month's Current Bulletins

Read all news, including Mass intentions and other announcements.

Bulletin Sponsors

Please support the loyal businesses who sponsor our bulletin.  Your patronage to these sponsors is appreciated!

Bulletin Archive

Review any Bulletin published in 2024 and years prior.